
Showing posts from October, 2015


I hope that I am never so closed minded that I can't look at the many sides of an issue! I hope that I am always on God's side of things but that I can see where others are coming from. Understand what happened in their lives; choices, circumstances, etc. to make them believe, act and be a certain way. I do believe there is right and wrong. I do believe that one is happier when choosing the right. I do believe the best way to influence people is by love and loving perseverance and not by hate or by insisting that you don't understand the atonement or implying somehow that you somehow aren't righteous enough to truly apply the atonement to your life and overcome whatever challenge you might have. Here was my response to someone: I hear what you are saying. I do. Do you realize though the hundreds (and that's just that I know of) of people that deal with SSA that have spent decades fasting, praying, reading their scriptures and applying the atonemen