
Showing posts from 2015

Wearing a hijab.

I would imagine being a Muslim woman in a hijab today could be compared to being gay in the way that gays were and sometimes are still looked at and treated. My friend Laura posted this today:  I decided to be part of it and here are my thoughts: I wore a hijab today to show support for "freedom of religion without persecution" as asked by interfaith leaders in Salt Lake City. I only wore it out to 2 stores, not that far from my homes. My daughter asked me what I was wearing. I told her and told her about Muslims being made fun of and harassed and such and that it isn’t ok to do that. Interfaith leaders asked people to wear something outwardly to show support of religious freedom without being harassed, etc. Though I do believe there are times to be cautious, I never believe it is ok to harass, attack, or make fun of anyone because of religion or even lack thereof. We t


I hope that I am never so closed minded that I can't look at the many sides of an issue! I hope that I am always on God's side of things but that I can see where others are coming from. Understand what happened in their lives; choices, circumstances, etc. to make them believe, act and be a certain way. I do believe there is right and wrong. I do believe that one is happier when choosing the right. I do believe the best way to influence people is by love and loving perseverance and not by hate or by insisting that you don't understand the atonement or implying somehow that you somehow aren't righteous enough to truly apply the atonement to your life and overcome whatever challenge you might have. Here was my response to someone: I hear what you are saying. I do. Do you realize though the hundreds (and that's just that I know of) of people that deal with SSA that have spent decades fasting, praying, reading their scriptures and applying the atonemen

My thoughts on making a Mixed-Orientation Marriage work and be happy

A lot of people don’t think very highly of mixed orientation marriages and a lot of people would like them to just go away. Many people believe they just can’t and don’t work. At the same time though we all love a good unlikely love story.  Everything from Beauty in the Beast to Little Mermaid to Shrek. They are all unlikely love stories. Nick Vujicic’s was born without arms or legs. He never thought he would find love. A few years ago he did, and this is what his wife said of him: "The moment I saw him, I saw his eyes and his smile. I thought to myself oh my gosh, he is so handsome.  To me he is prince charming. He might now be perfect in the exterior but he is a perfect match for me." Their Love Story He will never be able to hold his wife, yet she is happily married and they are expecting their 2 nd child soon. Donna Eden is an award winning author of Energy Medicine. Her husband David  Feinstein is  a clinical psychologist . She was an alternative

More Joy Needed

Lucas and I got included on one of the amicus briefs for the Supreme Court case of Same-Sex Marriages. We have lots of feelings and emotions that came with finding that out. Most of all I think, is being grateful that we have each other. That though our marriage and relationship isn't perfect, I don't know any marriage that is, it is good. We are best friends, we love being together and doing things together and hate being apart for any extended period of time. We enjoy having a family together, even in its un-perfectness. Though I am a hopeless romantic and the little girl in me thinks every boy, should have a girl and every girl should have a boy; a soul mate and then of course a family, I am always happy when someone finds happiness here on this earth. There is so mush unhappiness and sorrow in life. There are so many searching for happiness and love and even just friendship. There are far, far too many unhappy and even lonely people in the word. We need more happiness,

Because I Have Been Given Much

Here is my blog post for I sat down to type one thing but as I typed this is what I ended up with instead. It is a bit of a tribute to a friend whose funeral we attended yesterday. Written January 11th, 2015 by Wrylon The above picture is a picture of our family’s feet, from years ago. Today we attended the funeral of a friend. When things like this happen it makes us look at our own lives. How am I living? What influence am I showing? The woman today left an influence all around the country and especially among her family, friends and acquaintances. As she was sick over the last few months, friends went to be with her and comfort her, but it ended up the other way around. Those that visited her left feeling comforted. What good I am doing in the world? The words to the song “Because I Have Been Given Much” by Grace Noll Crowell come to mind, the beginning and the 3 rd  verse. Because I have been given much I too must give. …. Because I have been blessed by t